Range Rover keeps draining battery – Causes and solutions

If your Range Rover keeps draining battery power, you need to find the source of the problem and fix it immediately!

Otherwise, welcome to the exclusive club of Range Rover owners who always have a pair of jumper cables.

What models are affected?

Signs and symptoms

Dealing with a battery-draining Range Rover can be frustrating and inconvenient. Here are some common signs and symptoms of this issue:

  • Difficulty starting the vehicle: One of the most obvious signs is having trouble starting your Range Rover. If you often find yourself turning the key and praying for it to come to life, you might be facing a battery drain issue.
  • Frequent dead battery: If your battery frequently dies, requiring you to jump-start your Range Rover, it’s a clear indicator of a persistent battery drain problem.
  • Dim or flickering lights: While driving, you may notice your headlights, interior lights, or dashboard lights behaving erratically. Dimming or flickering lights can be a sign of your battery struggling due to a drain.
  • Electrical malfunctions: If you’ve noticed various electrical components acting up, such as power windows not working consistently or the radio turning off spontaneously, it may be an indirect result of battery drain.

List of possible OBD codes

When diagnosing a battery drain issue in your Range Rover, these OBD (On-Board Diagnostics) codes may provide valuable insights into the specific problem. Keep an eye out for the following codes:

  • P0562: System Voltage Low: This code indicates that the battery voltage has dropped below the acceptable range.
  • P1612: Battery Voltage Malfunction: It signifies a malfunction in the battery voltage system, potentially leading to excessive drain.
  • U0107: Lost Communication with Battery Energy Control Module: This code suggests a communication problem between the battery control module and other vehicle components.

Common causes

To tackle the persistent battery drain problem plaguing your Range Rover, let’s explore some common causes:

  • Parasitic draw: Electrical components that continue to draw power even when the vehicle is turned off can drain the battery. Faulty relays, switches, or module malfunctions are typical culprits.
  • Battery age or condition: Over time, the battery’s capacity to retain a charge decreases. If you’re dealing with an old or weak battery, it might not have enough power to sustain your Range Rover’s electrical demands.
  • Faulty alternator: The alternator’s role is to charge the battery and power the vehicle’s electrical system. If it malfunctions or fails, the battery drain can occur as it tries to compensate for the lack of charging.
  • Short circuits or wiring issues: Frayed wires, damaged connectors, or exposed circuits can create a drain by causing electrical shorts, resulting in a continuous flow of electricity even when not needed.

Can it be fixed without a mechanic?

Depending on the cause and your level of mechanical expertise, some battery drain issues can be addressed without professional assistance.

However, keep in mind that complex electrical problems may require the expertise of a mechanic.

Parts you’ll need to fix it

To address the battery drain issue, you may require the following parts:

  • New battery (if necessary)
  • Multi-meter or voltmeter
  • Fuses (as needed)
  • Replacement relays or switches (if required)

Tools you’ll need to fix it

To fix the battery drain problem in your Range Rover, you’ll need the following tools:

  • Socket set
  • Screwdrivers (Phillips and flathead)
  • Wire stripper/crimper
  • Electrical tape
  • Wire harness connectors
  • Battery terminal cleaner
  • Safety gloves and goggles

How to fix it

Now that you’re equipped with the necessary parts and tools, here’s a step-by-step guide to troubleshooting and fixing the battery drain issue:

  1. Identify the source of the drain: Begin by disconnecting the negative terminal of the battery and using a multimeter to measure the battery drain. Connect the multimeter in series with the battery, and observe the reading. If it exceeds the acceptable range (usually around 50 milliamps), proceed to the next step.
  2. Check for obvious culprits: Inspect all the electrical components, such as lights, door locks, and entertainment systems, ensuring they are turned off when the vehicle is not in use.
  3. Inspect fuses and relays: Check for any blown fuses or faulty relays that might be drawing excessive power. Replace damaged fuses or relays with new ones.
  4. Examine wiring and connectors: Inspect your Range Rover’s wiring and connectors for signs of damage, such as frays or exposed wires. Repair or replace any compromised components.
  5. Test the alternator: Consult the vehicle’s manual for instructions on testing the alternator. Check for proper charging voltage and ensure it’s functioning correctly. Replace the alternator if necessary.
  6. Battery condition checks: If your battery is old or weak, test its capacity using a multimeter. Consider replacing the battery if it fails the test or if it’s past its recommended lifespan.
  7. Address parasitic draw: If you suspect a parasitic draw, disconnect one electrical component at a time while monitoring the multimeter reading. When the drain drops significantly, you’ve identified the faulty component. Repair or replace it accordingly.
  8. Reconnect and test: Once you believe you’ve resolved the battery drain problem, reconnect the negative battery terminal and conduct further tests to ensure the issue has been successfully resolved.

Potential alternative causes

While the causes mentioned above are the most common culprits, there may be other underlying factors contributing to your Range Rover’s battery drain issue.

It’s always advisable to consult a mechanic or Range Rover specialist for a thorough diagnosis if the problem persists.

Also read: How to reset Range Rover battery – fast and easy


What should I do if my Range Rover keeps draining the battery?

If your Range Rover’s battery drains frequently, consult a professional mechanic to diagnose and fix the underlying issue, which could range from faulty components to parasitic drains.

How do I know if my Range Rover’s battery is the problem?

If your vehicle struggles to start, lights are dim, or you hear clicking sounds, it could indicate a weak battery. Get it tested by a mechanic for confirmation.

Can a faulty alternator cause a battery drain in my Range Rover?

Yes, a faulty alternator can lead to battery drain. The alternator charges the battery, so if it’s malfunctioning, the battery may not recharge properly.

Is it possible to fix the battery drain issue without professional help?

While basic checks like ensuring lights are off can help, diagnosing complex issues usually requires professional expertise to avoid further damage.

How long does a Range Rover battery typically last?

A Range Rover battery’s lifespan varies but usually ranges from 3 to 5 years. Factors like driving conditions and maintenance impact longevity.

What other electrical components should I check for possible drains in my Range Rover?

Check components like power seats, lights, and infotainment systems, along with the battery and alternator. Any malfunctioning component could contribute to a drain.


Owning a Range Rover comes with its own set of challenges, including the infamous battery drain issue.

In this comprehensive guide, we have explored the signs, common causes, DIY fixes, and potential alternative causes for a Range Rover that keeps draining the battery.

By following the step-by-step instructions and using the proper tools and parts, you can resolve this problem and enjoy uninterrupted journeys in your luxurious and reliable Range Rover.

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