Range Rover backup camera doesn’t work

As a self-proclaimed Range Rover expert, I have experienced every issue imaginable with these beauties.

From oil leaks to transmission problems, Range Rovers are well-known for their inexplicable and often annoying reliability issues.

My latest predicament? The Range Rover backup camera doesn’t work. No worries, though, I’ve got you covered.

In this article, I will provide you with a comprehensive guide on how to diagnose and fix this issue.

What models are affected?

Signs and symptoms

When it comes to Range Rover backup cameras malfunctioning, the signs are pretty self-explanatory.

You’ll find that the camera will no longer turn on when you shift into reverse. No more pesky beeps to let you know how close you are to an object, and certainly no more camera display on your screen.

This problem will leave you in a tight spot – but hopefully, this guide can be your saving grace.

List of possible OBD codes

In this case, no OBD codes relevant to “Range Rover backup camera in doesn’t work” apply. So don’t worry about codes like P0680, P0560, or P0633.

However, the camera’s power supply and control harness circuits may still trigger other OBD codes if there are issues with the wires.

Common causes

Now let’s get down to what caused your camera to stop working. There could be several reasons why your backup camera is failing, but the most common culprits are the following:

Failed camera

If your camera is entirely broken, this could be the cause of your problem. Generally, this is caused by internal camera malfunction either from physical damage from wear and tear or water damage from exposure to the elements.

Blown fuse

In some models, the camera may be powered by a fuse.

When the fuse blows, it cuts off power from reaching the camera, resulting in it not turning on as it should be.

You can easily fix this by replacing the fuse, but make sure you purchase the correct one.

Damaged or disconnected wiring

In some cases, the lack of power supply to the camera could be due to damaged or disconnected wiring.

This could be caused by wear and tear or accidental damage. It’s also worth mentioning that in some cases, it may not be the camera’s wires, but instead, the wires connected to the control module, which is responsible for communicating with your vehicle’s main computer.

Can it be fixed without a mechanic?

Yes, it is possible to fix this problem without involving a mechanic.

As long as you can get your hands on the right parts and tools, you can give fixing it a go.

However, if you’re not entirely confident in your abilities, please consult a mechanic.

Parts you’ll need to fix it

The parts you might need would depend on the underlying issue you’ve discovered. It could be a physical device needed in the case of a failed camera.

Still, if you’re looking for a blown fuse or a loose wire, you might only require connection devices and wiring repair kits.

Tools you’ll need to fix it

The tools needed to fix your backup camera could differ based on the problem you’ve discovered. Here is a list of tools that should cover most scenarios:

  • Screwdrivers
  • Pliers
  • Wire strippers
  • A multimeter
  • A wrench

How to fix it

  1. Start by checking the fuse, as we mentioned above. It’s best to test all the fuses encompassing the backup camera system. If you find the faulty fuse, replace it with the correct one.
  2. Remove the broken camera and evaluate the extent of the damage. If the camera has suffered water damage, the gadget itself should be discarded. But if the damage arose from a severe impact, it may be repairable. Spare cameras are available on the market if you’re in need of a replacement.
  3. Check the wiring leading up to the control module and camera circuit. If the wires are loose or disconnected, fix them using a wiring repair kit.
  4. After you’ve identified and fixed the issue, test your backup camera and make sure that everything’s working as it should be.

Potential alternative causes

In rare cases, some issues might trigger your Range Rover backup camera not to turn on. These include:

  • Sensor malfunctioning
  • Ecological interference (i.e., the presence of heavy traffic)
  • Front and back cameras failing at the same time

If you’ve ruled out the above common causes and the problem still persists, it’s best to have a professional look into the matter and determine the root cause of the issue.


How much does it cost to fix your backup camera on your Range Rover?

The cost of the repair could depend on the underlying issue. Replacing the fuse alone would cost less than $50, but replacing a faulty camera could cost anywhere between $200 to $800. It’s best to have a professional assess the issue if you’re not confident in your skills.

Can I turn off the irritating backup beep without fixing the camera?

You can’t disable the irritating backup beep. This alarm beeps to alert you when you’re about to hit something while backing up. While it might seem annoying, it can help avoid accidents.


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