Range Rover makes sloshing water sound

If your Range Rover makes sloshing water sounds it could be due to trapped water in the HVAC system or drainage channels. It’s advisable to have the Range Rover inspected by a mechanic to diagnose and address the issue, which might involve clearing blocked drainage or addressing leaks in the system.

Read on to see all the possible causes of when a Range Rover makes sloshing water sounds.

What models are affected?

Possible causes of sloshing water sound in a Range Rover

There are several potential reasons why your Range Rover may be making a sloshing water sound.

1. Clogged door drains

One possible cause could be clogged door drains.

These drains are designed to channel water away from the vehicle, but if they become blocked, water can accumulate and create a sloshing sound.

To check if this is the issue, you will need to locate the door drains and ensure they are clear of any debris.

2. Clogged windshield drains

Similar to clogged door drains, clogged windshield drains can also lead to a sloshing water sound.

These drains are responsible for redirecting water that collects on the windshield.

If they are blocked, the water may accumulate and cause a sloshing sound.

Cleaning these drains can potentially resolve the issue.

3. Low coolant level

A low coolant level in the cooling system can also result in a sloshing water sound.

The coolant helps to regulate the temperature of the engine, and if there is an insufficient amount, air bubbles may form, creating a sloshing noise.

Checking and topping up the coolant level can help eliminate this as a possible cause.

4. Heater core issues

The heater core is responsible for providing heat inside the vehicle. If there are any problems with the heater core, such as a leak or blockage, it can cause water to accumulate and create a sloshing sound.

Inspecting the heater core and addressing any issues found may be necessary to resolve the problem.

How to fix the sloshing water sound

1. Inspect and Clean Drains

Start by inspecting the door drains and windshield drains.

If you notice any blockages, use compressed air or a wire to clear them.

This should help channel the water properly and eliminate the sloshing sound.

2. Check the coolant level

Make sure to check the coolant level in your Range Rover.

If the coolant level is low, top it up to the recommended level.

This will help prevent air bubbles from forming and reduce the sloshing noise.

Make sure you use the correct engine coolant type while you are at it!

3. Inspect the heater core

Take a look at the heater core for any signs of leakage or blockage.

If you detect any issues, it is recommended to have a professional mechanic examine and repair the heater core.

4. Regular maintenance

To prevent future occurrences of the sloshing water sound, it is important to keep up with regular Range Rover servicing and maintenance.

This includes cleaning drains, monitoring coolant levels, and addressing any heater core issues promptly.

By following these steps, you should be able to resolve the sloshing water sound issue in your Range Rover and enjoy a quieter and smoother driving experience.


How do I determine if the door drains are clogged?

To check if the door drains are clogged, locate the drain holes around the door frames and inspect them for any debris or blockages. If you find any, use compressed air or a thin wire to clear the drains.

Can a clogged windshield drain cause water to accumulate inside the vehicle?

Yes, a clogged windshield drain can cause water to accumulate inside the vehicle. This can lead to a sloshing water sound as the water moves around while driving.

Should I be concerned about the sloshing water sound in my Range Rover?

While the sloshing water sound can be concerning, it is often a result of a minor issue that can be easily fixed. However, it is recommended to address the issue promptly to avoid any potential damage to your vehicle’s components.

Can a low coolant level cause engine overheating?

Yes, a low coolant level can cause the engine to overheat. It is important to regularly check the coolant level and maintain it at the recommended level to prevent overheating and other related issues.


If your Range Rover is making a sloshing water sound, it is crucial to address the issue to ensure the proper functioning of your vehicle.

By inspecting and cleaning drains, checking the coolant level, and inspecting the heater core, you can resolve this common issue and enjoy a quieter driving experience.

Regular maintenance is key to preventing future occurrences of the sloshing water sound, so make sure to stay on top of your vehicle’s upkeep.

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